Row D, Please?
About Row D and Me
Who am I?
And why, of all rows, Row D?
Hello lovely people!
My name's Chloe Tomes and I'm an English Major currently studying at William Jessup University. You're probably wondering and I get it... Why a film blog? Why not a book blog? And why am I reading this bio anyway? Well. I'm glad you asked!
I've always loved movies, but in 2017, my love and appreciation for the art form deepened. In the beginning of that year, both Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds passed away and, ironically enough, it also happened to be the same year that Singin' in The Rain celebrated its 65th anniversary. In both celebration and memorial of the late great Reynolds, my local theater had a one day showing of classic Hollywood musical.
I was hooked. From the deep history behind Hollywood to the actual process of making a film to watching it, I wanted to learn more about it! I got that opportunity when I started to take classes on film analysis and history throughout collage. Since that initial emotional response, I look at films in a new light and what they provide to our world culture of storytelling.
Films are just another form of storytelling, even if it's still a new medium. The goal of this blog is to breakdown films and hopefully give you a deeper appreciation of them at the same time. At the same time, I hope that this is a place that both the film nerd and casual viewer can find community and feel welcomed!
So let's grab a bucket of popcorn, settle into row D, and start the movie! We've got a lot to talk about.